MOMO: Modular Movement
CONTRIBUTION: The following is the product of a three week design cycle, a collaboration between the interaction design and product design master’s programmes at Umeå Institute of Design. As the interaction designer in the team, my role included Arduino electronics and programming, as well as Figma sonic branding animation.
CONTEXT: 3 week master’s collaboration at Umeå Institute of Design.
TOOLS: Arduino | After Effects | Figma
ROLE: Interaction designer.
DATE: February, 2025
Arduino | truly responsive light design (Sound up!)
64 neopixel lights, a potentiometer sensor, a button, three Arduinos and many hours in the interaction lab later, we had three fully functional modules with real physiotherapy exercises. These modules are grounded in existing exercises to train wrist rotation, dexterity, finger isolation and finger strength.
process presentation
This is the unedited presentation that our team presented to a live audience. Some text may be limited, to be replaced with our live explanation. Keep scrolling to read through the detailed written version.
Logo animation Version 1
Logo animation Version 2 + Audio
detailed concept readthrough